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+ Accessibility



Accessibility, Inclusion and Diversity at ServDes.2020

ServDes.2020 make dhumbali (promise/commitment) to Bundjil and acknowledges the welcome to all guests to aim and enable principles of accessibility, inclusion and diversity. With the kind support of ServDes.2020 sponsors, we are pleased to offer a series of mechanisms to enable as broad a range of points of view, experiences and understandings critical to notions of service design practice and research to participate. This includes a systematic approach to the accessibility of conference venues and materials and by supporting author/delegates with specific needs to present their peer reviewed contributions where English language, financial limitations, travelling from remote locations, or the need to be accompanied by a prefered supporter/carer/interpreter might otherwise be a significant barrier to participation.



Registration Fee Waivers

A select number of registration fee waivers will be available to author/delegates that have:

- financial limitations (eg: someone presenting from a non-profit or community organisation)

- the need for an accompanying supporter/carer/interpreter to assist in the paper or workshop presentation and/or participation in the conference.




Travel Support Bursaries

A number of travel support bursaries will be available to support author/delegates from remote locations (eg: remote parts of Australia, the Pacific Islands, or Africa) where the costs of travelling to Melbourne to participate are significantly amplified by distance, multiple interchanges, or very limited transport service options. Selected on need and arranged on a case by case basis these bursaries could include a registration fee waiver and/or assistance with the cost of transportation and accommodation.



Support for languages other than English

There are a number of strategies in place to support author/delegates where writing or speaking in English language may be a barrier to participation.
This includes:

Short Paper Track non-textual submissions

Registration fee waivers for an accompanying interpreter

Long and Short Paper track translation services


More information on these inclusion and support opportunities will be provided via this website in the lead up to paper submission deadlines. In the meantime if you have specific questions about any of these options please email






Accessibility, Inclusion and Diversity
Registration Fee Waivers
Travel Support Bursaries
Support for Languages
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